How to Archive/Unarchive Voucher Purchase & Voucher Program

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For voucher programs, the default archive setting ensures that all existing and newly created voucher programs are unarchived by default. Admins can archive a voucher program if it meets specific conditions. The program must already be marked as “Inactive,” and all voucher purchases associated with that program must also be archived. Admins can easily revert any archived voucher program to its unarchived state if needed.

In the Voucher Program List, archived voucher programs will be hidden by default. An “Archive Status” column will be added to the list but will remain hidden unless the user chooses to display it. Additionally, a filter for “Archive Status” will be available in the AG Grid, where archived voucher programs will not be shown by default. Users have the flexibility to modify this filter to display archived programs if required.

For voucher purchases, the default archive setting similarly ensures that all existing and new voucher purchases are unarchived by default. Admins can archive a voucher purchase if all vouchers within the purchase are considered “resolved.”

A voucher is deemed resolved if it has been used and the exam booking is complete, it has expired, or it is marked as inactive. Admins also have the option to unarchive voucher purchases when necessary.

In the Voucher Purchase List, archived voucher purchases will not appear by default. An “Archive Status” column will be introduced, hidden by default, but users can choose to display it. A similar filter for “Archive Status” will also be available in the AG Grid, with archived voucher purchases hidden by default. As with programs, users can change the filter settings to show archived purchases if needed.