Closing Applications (Windows)

Additional applications and devices are prohibited according to exam rules. This article will explain how to close all running applications on your Windows device. There are times that an application on Windows computers appears to be closed but is still running in the background. If you encounter this, you can try one of the following suggestions:

Close Applications through the System Tray:

Sometimes applications remain open within the Windows System Tray. Hover over an icon to determine which Application it is. To close the Application, right-click on the Icon and choose to close the application through the popup menu. Here is an example where Teams is still open in the System Tray

Close Applications through the task manager:

Sometimes, applications remain open within the Windows Task Manager.
To open the Task Manager, press Ctrl+shift+Esc, or right-click the Windows taskbar and select “Task Manager.” Under the Processes tab, locate the application that you need to close. Right-click on the process's name and then select End Task.

Last Option - Restart your computer:

If none of the above options work, close the exam window, restart your computer and then return to your Certiverse exam.​

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