The Exam Response Data Report provides in-depth, item-level data for each candidate's responses after an exam is delivered.
Exam Response Data export allows the users to obtain a data file that contains the exam responses. This guide explains the steps to export the test response data and introduces the columns included in the export.
The data export can be completed in two steps:
- Specify the test data
- Export the data
The exported response file will have each candidate record in a row and each metadata/response variable in a column. Exam Response Detail export differs from Exam Response Data export in that the data file exported in Exam Response Detail has each response in a row.
Specify test data
Specify the data you would like to use for item analysis through the drop-down lists at the top of the page.
- Organization: The organization which owns the exam.
- Exam: The name of the exam.
- Forms (Assessments): The test form(s) of an exam. Check the box in front of one or more forms to select a single form or multiple forms under the same exam.
- Date: the time range of administration. Select from one of the following:
- Last Month: The previous calendar month.
- Last Quarter: The previous three-month period. A year is typically divided into four quarters – Q1 (January to March), Q2 (April to June), Q3 (July to September), and Q4 (October to December).
- Last Year: The previous calendar year.
- Past 30 Days: The time period that spans the previous 30 consecutive days, including today.
- Past 12 Months: The time period that spans the previous 12 consecutive months, including this month.
- Other: Other specific time period. If “Other” was selected, you need to select the “Start Date” and “End Date” by typing in the date (in format mm/dd/yyyy) or selecting the date from the drop-down calendar.
Include results that have been rescored: Check this box to include results that have been created by rescoring data (this is the default, and usually desirable); leave the box blank to exclude rescored results.
Export data
Once the test data is selected, click on “DOWNLOAD REPORT”, and the system will start preparing the data file which usually takes a few minutes. Once the data file is ready, the system will send you a notification (both in the system and to your email account). You can access the data file through the system Notification (the “bell” icon) located in the top menu of the Certiverse platform. Once the data file is ready, a notice will show up in Notification with the time when the request for data export is received with the organization logo. Click “DOWNLOAD” under this notice to download the file.
- The notification email will be sent from Certiverse Team ( to your email address that you used to register the Certiverse account. If you do not see an email in a few minutes, it is possible this email is in your spam folder.
- The link to download the data file expires in 48 hours starting from the point you receive the notification. After 48 hours, you will need to start over to access the data.
Columns in data export
The exported data file includes two types of columns: exam record metadata and item response data.
Exam record metadata refers to a set of data that gives information about other data related to exam records. These columns are usually used to manage, organize, sort, and analyze the exam data. Exam record metadata consists of the following columns:
- CandidateID: The unique identifier of each candidate who has taken the exam.
- Email: The email address of the candidate that they used to register the exam.
- LastName: The last name of the candidate.
- FirstName: The first name of the candidate.
- DeliveryID: A unique identifier of each test delivery.
- DeliveryDateTime: The date and time when the exam was delivered to the candidate.
- ExamCode: The unique identifier or code of the exam.
- ExamFormID: The identifier of the exam form.
- ExamFormName: The name of the exam form.
- RawScoredTotal: The raw total score earned by the candidate on the scored items. If every scored item is worth one point, the RawScoredTotal will equal the number of scored items correctly answered by the candidate.
- RawPretestTotal: The raw total score earned by the candidate on the pretest (unscored) items. If every pretest item is worth one point, the RawPretestTotal will equal the number of pretest items correctly answered by the candidate.
- ScaledTotal: The candidate’s total score after it has been scaled or adjusted according to the exam’s scoring method.
- PassFail: The final pass/fail result of the candidate.
- AdministrationTimeMinutes: The total time in minutes that the candidate spent taking the exam.
Item response data refers to the data that is associated with each item response. Each item response will have 6 associated columns where “XXX” is the numeric identifier of the item.
- ItemTypeXXX: The type of item. This can be either MCX (multiple-choice single selection) or MCRX-Y (multiple-choice-multiple-selection) where X is the total number of options and Y is the number of correct options.
- IsPretestXXX: Whether the item is a pretest (unscored) item on the form that the candidate has taken: 1 = the item is a pretest item on the form; 0 = the item is not a pretest item on the form.
- ResponseXXX: The raw response of the item. This indicates the numeric identifier of the item option that the candidate selected. For multiple-choice-multiple-selection items, multiple responses will be separated by semicolons. The missing responses will be indicated by:
- na: The item was not administered to the candidate because the item was not on the form that the candidate took.
- omit: The item was on the form that the candidate took, but the candidate skipped the item and did not provide an answer.
- not reached: The item was on the form that the candidate took, but the candidate did not reach the item and thus did not provide an answer.
- ScoreXXX: The score received on the item which indicates whether the candidate got the item correct: 1 = the candidate got the item correct; 0 = the candidate got the item wrong; (blank) = the item was not on the form that the candidate took.
- TimeXXX: The administration time in seconds of the item. If the cell is left blank, it means the item was not on the form that the candidate took.
- AttemptsXXX: The number of times that the candidate attempted the item. If the cell is left blank, it means the item was not on the form that the candidate took.
In the export, each of the six types of columns are grouped together across all items on the exam in a fixed order: ItemType, IsPretest, Response, Score, Time, and Attempts. Within a single type of columns, the items are sorted in ascending order of the numeric item identifier. For example, in an exam with three items ITEM001, ITEM002, and ITEM003, the exported data will show the item response columns in the following order:
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