How to Configure Results in Exam Management

This video guide provides a comprehensive walk through of result configuration.

Tap the video to pause the demo or manually advance each step. 

Step 1: Accessing the Exam Management Portal

  1. Log in to Certiverse and go to the Exam Management Portal.
  2. Select the exam you wish to configure in the dashboard.
  3. Click the VIEW/EDIT button.
  4. Stay in the Summary Tab.
  5. Scroll to the bottom of the page to find the Results Configuration Section.

Step 2: Adding a New Result Configuration

  2. Click on Result Type and select Standard.
  3. Click Send when provisioned by, and choose one of the two options:
    • All Exam Deliveries: This is ideal if you're looking to integrate an external API, such as launching exams via an iframe with HTML. This can also be configured to work with your LMS (Learning Management System) or online courses, enabling you to launch exams directly from your website instead of redirecting candidates to Certiverse.
    • Certiverse Exam Store – This option applies when candidates book and check out directly through the Certiverse website.
  1. Additional configuration tabs will now appear.

Step 3: Configuring the Endpoint URL

  2. Enter the User ID.
  3. Enter the Password.
  4. Click the TEST CONNECTION button to ensure the connection is successful.
    • If the connection is successful, a green check icon, indicating the status as Accepted will appear
  5. Your configuration is now set.

Step 4: Add Multiple Result Configurations

  • To add more than one Result Configuration, simply click +ADD RESULT CONFIGURATION again and repeat the setup process.

Step 5: Deleting a Result Configuration

  • If you need to remove a result configuration, simply click the trashcan icon located at the right corner of the results configuration area. This will delete the selected configuration.

Additional Information

  • "Certiverse Integration with Client Results Endpoint" [here]
  • "Certiverse Exam Result Model" [here] .