How to add R code in an Item in the Item Management

This guide will walk you through the steps to add R code to an exam item in the Item Management Portal.

Tap the video to pause the demo or manually advance each step. 

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Access the Item Management Portal

  • Log in to Certiverse
  • Go to Item Management Portal
  • Open the item you wish to edit or create. 

Step 2: Open the Answer Toolbar

  • Navigate to the Answer section where you want to insert the R code.
  • Click on the toolbar above the answer field ( a More Option)

Step 3: Expand the Code Block Options

  • Click on the More button in the toolbar to reveal additional formatting options.

Step 4: Select the Code Block Button

  • From the expanded options, find and click on the Code Block button.

Step 5: Choose R as the Language

  • A dropdown menu will appear with a list of programming languages.
  • Select R from the available options.
  • This will set the code block to recognize and format R code.

Step 6: Add Your R Code

  • Once you’ve selected R, you can enter your R code into the code block.
  • Make any necessary adjustments or additions to your code.

Step 7: Save and Review

After adding the code, save your changes and review the item to ensure everything is correct.