How to Archive a Candidate Result

Archiving candidate results helps maintain accurate records by removing specific results from psychometric reports and overall analytics.

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Steps to Archive a Candidate Result

1. Access the Reporting Portal

  1. Log in to your account.
  2. Navigate to the Reporting Portal from the main dashboard.

2. Select Candidate Results

  1. In the Reporting Portal, locate and click on Candidate Results.

3. Choose a Date Range

  1. Use the date selection tool to specify the range of results you want to view.
  2. Click Run Report to generate the list of candidate results within the selected date range.

4. Enable Archive Results Mode

  1. Locate the Archive Results Mode toggle.
  2. Click the toggle to enable the archive mode.

5. Select the Candidate Result to Archive

  1. Find the candidate result you wish to archive.
  2. Click on the Archive button next to the toggle "Archive Results Mode"

6. Confirm the Archiving Action

  1. A pop-up will appear with the following message: "Archived results will not be included in psychometric reports and results. Please select a reason for archiving the selected result."
  2. Select a reason for archiving from the available options:
    • Test Data
    • System Issue
    • Candidate Infraction
    • Other
  3. Click Confirm to proceed.

7. Verify Successful Archiving

  1. A confirmation message will appear:
    "The candidate result was successfully archived."
  2. The selected result will no longer be included in psychometric reports or analytics.


  • Archived results cannot be included in future psychometric reports.