Create a Voucher Program in the Voucher Portal

Follow this guide to set up a new voucher program that allows you to manage voucher assignments, discounts, and email restrictions for your partners.

Steps to create a Voucher Program

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Step 1: Log in to Certiverse

  • First, you'll need to log in to Certiverse using your credentials.

Step 2: Navigate to the Voucher Portal

  • Once logged in, go to the menu and select Voucher Portal.
  • In the left-hand menu, click on Voucher Programs.

Step 3: Add a New Voucher Program

  • In the top right corner of the Voucher Programs page, click the ADD PROGRAM button.

Step 4: Fill in Voucher Program Settings

You will now need to enter the details of your voucher program:

  • Organization: Select Organization
  • Voucher Program Name: Enter the name for your voucher program.
  • Partner Cost Per Voucher: Set this to ___ USD (or the applicable amount).
  • Allow ACH Payments: Choose whether to allow ACH payments.
  • Expiration: Set the expiration period in 365 days (default).
  • Voucher Code: Voucher codes will be generated by the system.
    • Enter the Prefix (for example, “Voucher Code”) followed by a unique six-character alphanumeric code (e.g., "VoucherCode123456").
  • Once all the fields are filled, click CREATE to create the program.

Step 5: Program Creation and New Sections

  • After clicking CREATE, the program will be added, and you’ll see a new section for Partner Assignment Type with the following options:
    • All Authorized Partners
    • Assigned Authorized Partners
      • Allow assigned partners to purchase $0 vouchers: Enabling this option allows assigned partners to issue an unlimited number of vouchers without paying.
  • In addition, four tabs will appear under the program:
  1. General (current tab)
  2. Store Exams
  3. Assigned Partners
  4. Bulk Discount
  5. Email Restrictions

Step 6: Store Exams Tab

  • In the Store Exams tab, you’ll be able to choose among the available organization exams. Select the exam(s) you want to include in the voucher program. If desired, you can remove any exams from the program as well.

Step 7: Assigned Partners Tab

  • In the Assigned Partners tab, you can assign authorized partners to the voucher program. Select the available authorized partners and add them to the Assigned Partners section.

Step 8: Bulk Discounts Tab

  • To add a bulk discount, click the ADD DISCOUNT button. Here, you will need to enter:
    • Quantity: The number of vouchers required for the discount.
    • Discount: The discount amount.
  • Click ADD to apply the discount.
    • Once added, you can edit or remove the bulk discount.

Step 9: Email Restrictions Tab

  • In the Email Restrictions tab, you can set domain restrictions to limit voucher usage to specific email domains.
  • Enter a domain (e.g.,,
  • Click ADD DOMAIN to save.
    • The added domains will appear under Your Domains.

If needed, you can:

  • Change the domain status to inactive or active.
  • Edit or delete the domain.
  • You also have the option to Enforce Assigned Email To Book Exam by toggling this setting on.

Step 10: Finalize the Program

  • Once all settings are configured, go back to the top right corner and toggle the Active button to on. This will activate the voucher program.

Congratulations! You've successfully created a voucher program in Certiverse's Voucher Portal. By following these steps, you can now manage partners, exams, bulk discounts, and email restrictions for your voucher program efficiently.


Contact Us

If you have any questions or need additional assistance, please contact us by either emailing or by submitting a ticket from this article.