"Invitation to participate in a Modified Angoff Standard Setting"

This email invites recipients to join a standard setting panel to ensure a fair exam, instructing them to accept the invitation and participate online via the Certiverse platform, where they can start or resume the study at their convenience.

The email is sent to invite recipients to participate in a standard setting panel, highlighting the critical role their expertise plays in ensuring a fair and defensible exam for candidates.

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The email is designed to engage qualified individuals, facilitate their participation, and ensure they have all the necessary information to contribute effectively to the standard setting process.

Recipient Actions:

  • Accept Invitation: Follow the link to confirm participation and create an account on Certiverse.
  • Access the Study: Use the provided link to begin or continue the standard setting process.
  • Check Deadlines: Verify any due dates for completing the study as instructed.

So, the email serves several key purposes: it acknowledges the recipient's expertise, invites them to formally accept their nomination to participate in the standard setting process, provides clear instructions for accessing the Certiverse platform and engaging in the study, and highlights the importance of meeting specified deadlines for timely contributions.