Video: March 15th Release

The following enhancements are highlighted in the video demo below (with timestamps)

Item Management Portal 

  • Reject and Draft Status (00:15)
    • Draft status has been added to the numerous statuses in dropdown of rejected items.Admins now have the ability to send an aged item that was rejected back to the author as a draft.
  • Pass/Fail End Screen (01:16) 
    • When enabled and added, the end screen contains options to provide pass or fail and score tokens. This will appear to the test taker at the end of the exam.
  • Translation Mode Update (2:11)
    • Translation mode screens have been modified to make the editing process more efficient.
    • Copy button has been added also known as duplicate source button. This allows the copying over of stems or response options during the editing process.
    • Item tags are now available to tag items with specific test number tags, difficulty level, and dates.
  • Response Options Numbers within Radio Buttons (04:34) 
    • Response options now will have the response option creation number inside the radio button when previewing the item. This change will assist users in identifying the random choice order and help identify the response option text in the item analysis report.
  • Deleting Exhibits Warning Messages (04:53)
    • To prevent unintentional changes to active forms, there are now pre-deletion warnings indicating items were: 1) On an Active form, 2) Not on an Active form, but previously delivered, and 3) On an Inactive form and not been previously delivered.

    Authoring Portal

  • Job Role UI (06:16)
    • The job role pop-up UI has been updated for more efficient readability. Job role will now be displayed more prominently at the top of the pop-up, followed by the description of the job role. Users can navigate to the guide icon for more assistance or simply click on the facilitator's email which will automatically copy the email address to be pasted into an email for further assistance.
  • Review and Expire (06:51)
    • When reviewing items, the authoring guide will now be accessible as the SMEs are editing items and can utilize the authoring guide as a reference by clicking on the guide icon. Time notifications and automatic extensions have also been added.

Exam Management 

  • Standard Setting Update (07:54)
    • By navigating to the exam management portal, admins may select the appropriate form they wish to edit, add items to a regular section on a Standard Setting form or exam form. Previously only a dynamic section could have items added.