Video: May 23rd Release

The following enhancements are highlighted in the video demo below (with timestamps):

General Updates

  • Exam Store - UI Changes (00:12)
    • Certiverse has applied some innovative and fresh UI changes to the Exam Store. To view these state-of-the-art changes, simply navigate to your Organization's landing page.

Admin Portal

  • Organization Overview/ Description - Rich Text Editor (00:32)
    • Certiverse has added a Rich Text Editor to the Organization Overview field in the Organization tab of the Admin Portal. This will enable Organizations to format their descriptions to their liking.
  • Store Exam Descriptions - Rich Text Editor (00:52)
    • Certiverse has added a Rich Text Editor to the exam description field in the Exam Store. This will enable Organizations to format their descriptions to their liking and incorporate links that can direct candidate's to addition material or information related to the exam.
  • Practice Exams (01:09)
    • When configuring an exam in the Exam Store, Organizations can now enable a Practice Exam toggle. When the Practice Exam toggled is enabled, this indicates to the candidates the exam is in fact a practice exam upon booking.

Authoring Portal

  • New Item Type  (01:37)
    • MC2
    • Single Correct Response - Two Options, One Correct, 1 Incorrect
    • stem
    • one correct answer
    • one incorrect answer
      • *Please note, to use this item type as a True or False Item, SME's and/or Admins, need to manually type TURE or FALSE at the beginning of the response option.
  • Blueprint Changes After Publishing  (02:12)
    • Organizations can now make changes to Published Blueprints as needed. A Draft Blueprint toggle needs to be enabled if changes are to be made to a Published Blueprint. Once the Organization Admin approves of these changes, they can publish that draft and changes will be reflected once the new draft is published.
      • *Please note, when a Blueprint Draft is published any items contained in the parent topic will be moved to Unassigned and must be assigned to a new topic in Item Management.

Exam Management

  • Credly Integration & Configuration and Accredible Issue Badge & Configuration (02:55)
    • Certiverse is now integrated with two prominent Badging providers, Accredible and Credly. For each exam in the Exam Management portal, Organizations can select their Badging provider and enter the necessary badge settings from the providers system.