Item Writers and Admins easily modify item types, ensuring accurate and adaptable item creation workflows.
Who Can Change the Item Type?
Item Writer
An Item Writer has the ability to change the item type while the item is still in draft status. This allows writers to revise an item if they initially chose the wrong item type or if, during the creation process, they determine a different item type is more appropriate.
Admins can change the item type at any time before an item is published or before the item is used in a deliverable. This includes cases where the item was on a form as a pretest but was later removed from the form. Admins are authorized to modify the item type as long as the item is not yet finalized for delivery.
Valid Item Types for Change
At present, MC (Multiple Choice) and MCR (Multiple Correct Response) are the only item types supported for modification.
Item Writer Restrictions
An Item Writer can only change the item type to MC or MCR that is configured for the blueprint. This ensures consistency within the design of the test or assessment and maintains alignment with the overall test structure.
Admin Flexibility
Admins have more flexibility, as they can change an item’s type to any MC or MCR item type available in the system. This flexibility is crucial for streamlining item management and accommodating changes that may arise during the review or testing phases.
Change Item Type Flow
To initiate the process of changing the item type, you can click here to view this in action from the item writer perspective in Authoring portal, here for the admin perspective in the Item Management, or you can follow these steps once you are with your selected item (either in My Items in Authoring Portal, or in the item in Item Management):
1. Selecting to Change Item Type
Users can access the "Change Item Type" option as part of the existing item edit flow. This feature provides the option to revise the item type without creating a new item or starting the process over.
2. Choosing a New Item Type
Once the option is selected, the user will choose a new item type. If the change involves removing response options, users will be prompted with a list of correct and incorrect responses.
Removing Response Options
If reducing the number of response options, users must specify which correct or incorrect options to remove. A notification will appear to inform the user how many options need to be eliminated. The user will have the opportunity to select the exact options to delete, ensuring they only remove the necessary ones.
Adding Response Options
If the change requires adding response options, the user must populate the newly created options before the changes can be saved. Additionally, if translations are involved, users will be reminded to add translations for the new response options. If no translations are added, the system will default to using the source language for exam delivery.
3. Confirming Changes
Once the changes are made, a prompt will ask users to confirm their action before saving. This safeguard ensures that users do not accidentally make unintended modifications. The user will see a summary of the changes, including the response options that will be added or removed.
4. Saving Changes
Changes will only be saved once the user selects Save Item Type Changes. If it is part of the existing edit flow, users can use the standard Save and Cancel buttons to finalize their modifications.
5. Response Option Updates
If the item type change necessitates the updating of response options, the system will handle the automatic updating of Response Option IDs as needed. The changes will be reflected in the item’s history, including:
- The previous and new item types
- Removed response options
- Newly added response options
- Updated response option IDs
Managing Item History
All changes made to the item type will be stored in the system’s history. This includes the previous and new item types, as well as any modifications to response options, such as additions, deletions, or updates to their IDs. This ensures that all revisions are traceable, and the item’s lifecycle remains transparent.
Contact Us
If you have any questions or need additional assistance, please contact us by either emailing or by submitting a ticket from this article.