Blueprint FAQs

Have a question regarding the Blueprint in the Authoring Portal of Certiverse? Look here to see if your question has already been addressed.

What is an exam blueprint?

The exam blueprint is a detailed outline of what will be covered on the certification exam. It not only captures the necessary topics that need to be covered, but also the level of depth for those topic areas. This blueprint is used by the item writers to create test questions that will allow the credentialing organization to accurately measure competency.

How do I set-up a new blueprint?

You can set-up a new blueprint by heading over to the Admin portal and selecting ADD BLUEPRINT. You will need to select whether you would like to import your Blueprint or created a Blueprint from an existing JTA within Certiverse. Additional Blueprint Configuration details can be found here. If choosing to import your Blueprint please visit Blueprint Import Instructions Guide

Can I create a blueprint from a JTA or from an existing blueprint?

The blueprint can either be automatically generated from the JTA survey data or created from an existing blueprint. Watch this video tutorial for a step-by-step guide.

Can an already existing blueprint be imported into Certiverse?

Yes! If you have an existing blueprint already, our import feature can upload your blueprint directly into Certiverse. If choosing to import your Blueprint, please visit Blueprint Import Instructions Guide, or a how to step-by-step video tutorial on how to do it.

How do I invite SMEs to a blueprint?

You can invite SMEs to the blueprint by going to the blueprint and using the Contributors icon. Watch this video tutorial for a step-by-step guide


Contact Us

If you have any questions or need additional assistance, please contact us by either emailing or by submitting a ticket from this article.