Instructions for the Blueprint Topic Import Template

Certiverse supports importing blueprint data via a comma-separated values (CSV) file. For proper import, the file should be in a specific format as covered by these instructions.

To create the CSV file, use the “Blueprint Topic Import Template.csv” as a guide, which was downloaded along with these instructions. The template contains file headers along with example data.
  • For each column utilized, the header (first row) is required and should not be altered.
  • The example data (remaining rows) should be replaced with your own data, while maintaining the same format.

The CSV template file has 4 columns using the following headers (underlined) and information:

  • Topic Number: The number of the topic or subtopic, which specifies topic or sub-topic levels.
    • This field is required.
    • This field must have the character "#" at the beginning.
    • Numbers must be in sequence (1, 2, 3…).
    • If subtopic numbers are skipped (1, 1.111), skipped subtopics and ones following will not load.
  • Topic Name: The name of each topic or subtopic.
    • This field is required.
    • The character limit is 225.
  • Topic Weight: The weight of each topic or subtopic.
    • This field is optional.
    • The weight must be an integer.
    • The sum of all topic weights (not including subtopics) should eventually equal 100; however, this is not a requirement for proper import.
    • The sum of the subtopics should eventually equal their respective topic weight; however, this is not a requirement for proper import.
  • Topic Description: Extra information for each topic or subtopic.
    • This field is optional.
    • The description will appear in the item writing assignment.
    • The character limit is 500.


Topic Number  

Topic Name  

Topic Weight  

Topic Description


Name 1


Description 1


Name 1a


Description 1a


Name 1b


Description 1b


Name 2


Description 2


Name 2a


Description 2a


Name 2b


Description 2b


Name 2c


Description 2c


Name 3


Description 3


Name 3a


Description 3a


Name 3a1


Description 3a1


Name 3a2


Description 3a2


Name 3b


Description 3b


Name 3b1


Description 3b1


Name 3b2


Description 3b2

Steps for Import:

  1. Locate the Blueprint tab of the Admin Portal.
  3. Select the Manually/Import option.
  4. Begin selecting custom Blueprint Configurations.
    1. For additional configuration guidance visit this link and locate the Blueprint Section of the guide.
  5. Click CREATE.
  6. Next, locate the Import icon in the top right. 
  7. Import your Blueprint Topic Import Template.csv once ready.
  8. Once imported, you'll need to confirm the Blueprint details before publishing. This can be done by locating your Blueprint in the Authoring Portal and clicking PUBLISH once Root Topics, Leaf Topics, Weights, Descriptions, and other Blueprint details have been confirmed. 
  9. For additional Blueprint guidance visit Blueprint Topic Authoring Guide.

See here for a step-by-step video tutorial.


Contact Us

If you have any questions or need additional assistance, please contact us by either emailing or by submitting a ticket from this article.